Don’t just date because everyone around you is dating

Don’t date because you feel like time is not on your side

Don’t date because you want to fit in with your friends

Don’t date because everyone thinks than you can never be serious with your life

Date because you have found a man, a real man.

Date because you have found that man who makes your heart beat a hundred times over when you are about to meet him for a date

Date that man who still gives your heart that feeling even though you have been together for some time now

Date because you have found a man who respects you and cares a whole lot about you

Date because you have found a man who doesn’t think of you as a damsel in distress and he is the charming prince there to rescue you

Date because you have found a man who cares about your input in his life

Date because you have found a man who confides in you

Dates because you have found a man who isn’t shy being seen with you

Date because you have found a man who doesn’t ask you to change for him

Date because you have found a man who misses you when you are apart

Date because you have found a man who allows you to spread your wings and fly

Date because you have found a man who can’t talk about his future without you in it

Date because you have found a man who still makes you smile amidst all the darkness

Date because you have found that one that sees the best in you

Dates because you have found a man who makes you feel good in your own skin

Date because you have found that man who doesn’t make you feel like you are a mistake

Date because you have found that man who treats you well because he loves to and not because he is expected to

Date because you have found a man who wants to spend his time with you

Date because you have found a man who worries sick about you when you are not responding to his texts

Date that man who thinks you are special and wants to treat you right

Date because you have found a man who sees not only your beauty but the woman in you

Date because you have found a man who looks at you and can’t believe that you exist

Date because you have found a man who believes in you and wants you to succeed

Date because you have found a partner, a lover and a best friend in him

Date because you have found a man who is worth taking home to your parents

Date because you have found a man who loves you the way you do!

And above all don’t chase perfection because you are not perfect yourself

3 responses to “Dear 20-Something Girls”

  1. wanjikudora Avatar

    Reblogged this on Mikaela and commented:
    Sound advice here.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lillyanne Gathoni Avatar
      Lillyanne Gathoni

      Thank you Nour


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